عدد المشاهدات:
Allah (Glory to Him) sent religion to be the guidance for all Muslims and believers and to make balance between the spirit, the body with the power of desire and anger and the soul. Once this balance is achieved, man will be as Allah says:
"Thus we have made you a temperate nation" 2-143
If Allah gives man wealth and he has passion, mercy and kindness in his heart, he will see and give all his brothers in humanity not only Muslims. When the messenger of Allah (May the blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) was exposed to great harm by the people of Mecca; he supplicated against them and said:
"O My Lord, afflict them by years of distress like the years of Yusof."
High expenses and drought befell on them, they had so little food that they didn't find inevitable food, their leader Abu-Sofian went to the prophet in spite of great disputes among them at that time and said to him:
"O Mohammed, we appeal you by Allah and kinship."
Then the prophet prepared a caravan full of food and five hundred Dinar to help those people although they didn't follow the religion of Allah and were fighting him.
Why did the prophet do this? It's the human mercy, as Allah says:
"Unto whom We had bestowed mercy from Us, and whom We had taught knowledge from Us." 18-65
When a believer follows the religion of Allah, He sends His mercy in his heart, so he is dutiful to his parents, generous to his guests, has mercy upon the poor and the needy, gives the right of neighbor even if he is unfair and observes Allah all over his conditions, this is because Allah gave him mercy from Him. Thus this balance makes man live a good life in life and religion and also a happy life in the hereafter God willing.