آخر الأخبار

الأحد، 8 يناير 2017


عدد المشاهدات:
Working for Allah is Ikhlas (sincerity), if man does a deed for people; this is duplicity or reputation, if he does it to please himself, it is a hidden desire called self-conceit, he is self conceited so he is infected by pride and arrogance.
If the deed is for Allah's sake, he will continue doing it whether people see him or not because he works for Allah. Our ancestors used to notice Allah's observation, to make sure that a deed is for Allah's sake. Among the wonders narrated in this respect:
When Muslims besieged towns in Persia, there used to be high walls around them. Once, they couldn't break into through doors or pierce through the walls, a man among Muslims disguised and veiled his face and said to others while the enemies were heedless: "lift me and throw me over that door," he got to the other side after he fought some enemies and killed them, he opened the door for Muslims to enter.
After the victory the leader called: "That who opened the door of the fortress, come to us to reward him." The man didn't come out. The call was repeated several times, but he didn't go. He added: "We'll send him to Omar to reward him." At night in the darkness the veiled man went to the leader and said to him: "I know the man who opened the door of the fortress, he makes a condition that you won't tell anyone about him even if he is Omar." The leader agreed, the man said: "I'm the man." The leader asked: "What's your name?" The man said: "If I had wanted a reward from you or from Omar, I wouldn't have done this, but I want the reward from Allah."
This is the sincerity Muslims used to have. Some are still like this, but we don't know them, because what is on top of water is the foam and if there is fish, they are the small fish but whales are at the bottom. Whoever works for Allah, he doesn't want to be known by people, but that who works for people wants to be mentioned by all people and want the papers to write about him.

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