آخر الأخبار

السبت، 14 يناير 2017


عدد المشاهدات:
We basically work for Allah; but Islam also orders us to thank someone who does us a favor because the prophet (May the blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said about this:
"Whoever does a favor for you; you should reward him, if you don't find what you reward him by, then supplicate for him until you think you rewarded him." 1
Allah says in the divine Hadith:
"O My servant, you don't thank me unless you thank that whom I granted you by him."
It was narrated by Orwah that A'isha said: "The messenger of Allah (May the blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) frequently used to say: "What did your verses do?" I said: "What verses do you mean, they are so many?" He said: "In thanking." I said: "Yes by my parents, the poet said: "Respect the weak, don't ignore him because of his weakness, he may grow afterwards. He rewards or praises you, whoever praises what you did is as that who rewards you. If you want to be in touch with the generous, you won't find his ability weak." Then the prophet says: "Yes A'isha, when Allah gathers people at the Day of Judgment, He says to someone who was done a favor by another: "Did you reward him?" He says: "O my Lord, I knew that it was from You, so I thanked You." Allah says: "You didn't thank Me as you didn't thank that by whom I sent it (the favor) to you." 2
This is one of Allah's grants to us, He orders us to admit and confess for those who did us favors and benefits because this is the nature of a Muslim to admit favor and confess kindness.
• The first favor and kindness a Muslim should admit is the favor he got from Allah.
• The favor and kindness he got from the prophet.
• The favor and kindness he got from Koran.
• The favor and kindness he got from his parents.
• The favor and kindness he got from relatives, family, friends and neighbors.
• The favor and kindness he got from the country because the country also has a favor upon us, it is said:
"Loving the country is from faith."
It is the nature of a Muslim not to be thankless, however when he does a favor, he seeks Allah's satisfaction. This is the high aim and noble request ordered by Allah and upon which the messenger of Allah educated his companions.
We should spread some of these morals O brothers, first among our young, because they do need them. We should change our conditions to the conditions of our prophet and his noble companions, if we change our conditions, Allah will change our lives to the best.
1- Mosnad imam Ahmed by Ibn Omar, it starts: (Whoever seeks the protection of Allah, help him, whoever begs you, give him, whoever calls you, answer him,……then this Hadith.)
2- Mosnad Ash'shameyeen Let'tabarany by Orwah after A'isha
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