آخر الأخبار

الأحد، 26 مارس 2017

- Islamic extremism

عدد المشاهدات:

Why does the west complain from Islamic extremism but at the same time protect Muslim extremists, give them diplomatic immunity and refuse to send them back to their countries to be judged?
This proves that the west makes extremism and extremists. They support them with money, give them weapons, give them plans and information, then they accuse them of frightening, killing and corruption so as not to be accused of conspiring with them.
The whole world knows it is the United States of America, who made Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan and trained their leaders in the desert of Nevada in America, in order to face communist Russia and dismiss them from Afghanistan to protect its utilities.
When Russia was dismissed from Afghanistan, America reversed against Al-Qaeda, and this was the reason to enter and occupy Afghanistan.
The same thing happens with all extremist groups everywhere and at all times, they are made by the west, they support them, watch over their formation, set plans for them and they assume prevailing and inflating their deeds by the enormous mass media they have.

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