آخر الأخبار

الثلاثاء، 14 نوفمبر 2017

- The second procedure Extracting rancor from chests

عدد المشاهدات:
The second procedure
Extracting rancor from chests
Allah says:
"We shall remove from their breasts any sense of injury (rancor)" (15-47)
To be brothers for Allah, we must be sincere and honest with one another, everyone of us should use the lancet of the book of Allah and open his breast and heart and fill it with the secret of brotherhood for Allah, love for Allah and cordiality for Allah so that this brotherhood can be effective in this life. One couldn't put brotherhood for Allah, love for Allah and cordiality for Allah in his heart while it is still full of hatred, enmity, rancor, envy, dislike, and similar diseases that divert from achieving brotherhood among believers. So Allah revealed the way of Qur'an in one small verse and said: 
"We shall remove from their breasts any sense of injury (rancor)" (15-47)
Under rancor lay self-preference, selfishness, envy, jealousy and all the personal descriptions that should be replaced by social values like altruism, cordiality, beneficence and mercy. If those descriptions that lead to selfishness are removed from the heart and replaced by divine descriptions and values of Qur'an that lead to brotherhood and collectivism, then immediately Allah says:
"(So they will be like) brothers facing each other on thrones." (15-47)
Then the first condition of brotherhood is that there should be nothing in breasts, no envy, no jealousy, no hatred. They once asked our master Abi-Tharr about one brother in Allah who left the right way of Allah: "Don't you hate him?" He said: "I hate his bad behavior, if he left it, he is my brother." But now a brother wants disasters to come to his brother, he is even pleased if disasters come to his brother and gets angry if good things come to him. This is not the description of believers, he sometimes glees at others' misfortune although the beloved prophet said:
"Don't glee at your brother's misfortune or Allah will have mercy upon him and afflict you." 
Our master the messenger of Allah clarified this verse in his trusted Hadeeth narrated in Saheeh Al-Bokhary and Muslim, he said:
"Don't be jealous at one another, don't tanajasho (cause someone to buy something more than its real price by pretending it is worth), don't hate one another, don't stand back to back, don't buy something while someone is still negotiating about it, be equal brothers servants of Allah, a Muslim is a Muslim's brother, he neither oppress him nor let him down nor envy him, piety is here (and he referred to his breast), it's too much evil for a Muslim to despise his Muslim brother, all the Muslim is banned to any Muslim, his blood (life), his wealth and his honor." 
This means that brotherhood only comes after removing these abstract diseases. Unfortunately these diseases are now in the hearts of Islamic nation, whereas our master the messenger of Allah treated the society of Medina from these abstract and psychological diseases. A Muslim there not only loved for his brother what he loved for himself but he loved good for his brother more than himself.
Brotherhood means:
- We all are one man.
- We have a single aim that is to satisfy The One (Allah).
- We have one book that was revealed to our generous prophet.
- We have only one prophet, he is the best chosen prophet by Allah to all people from the beginning of this life to the Day of Judgment.
- Our deeds that get us nearer to Allah are the same.
- The rewards Allah promised to grant all people either in this life or in the Day of Judgment is dependent on believers' good conditions and their righteousness.
This leads to the third procedure by which Allah removes high prices and plague and causes us to live in blessings and prosperity from the land and the heavens.
To be followed

Fawzy Mohammed Abu Zeid

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